Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety

National Bicycle Safety Month

May 2025

Bike to Work Day

May 17, 2025

Pedestrian Safety Month

October 2024


Walking and bicycling are becoming increasingly popular modes of transportation in Louisiana, and many urban areas have taken this into account when planning roads and intersections. Unfortunately, both pedestrians and bicyclists face distinct disadvantages when involved in traffic crashes. The sheer physics of a faster moving vehicle colliding with a bike or pedestrian often results in the vehicle "winning" the encounter.

In 2023, there were 35 bicycle fatalities and 749 bicycle injuries in Louisiana. Also, there were 147 pedestrian fatalities and 1,234 pedestrian injuries in Louisiana. Of these fatalities, nearly 34% and 17% for pedestrians and bicycles, respectively, were alcohol-related. It is critical for all road users to remember to share the road with bicycles and pedestrians.

Additionally, everyone must remember to be responsible road users — follow Louisiana laws; wear reflective clothing when walking and biking; wear required safety belts and other safety gear; never drive, walk, or bike while impaired; and always be an alert road user — don't drive, walk, or bike while distracted.


Pedestrian Safety Videos




School Bus Safety Video

Pedestrians include our children getting on and off of the school bus.