Apply for a Grant

Apply for a Grant


Annually, the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission (LHSC) seeks dedicated partners to aid in our mission of reducing traffic crashes and the resulting deaths, injuries, and property damage. These partnerships are established through a subgrant agreement process. When the application period opens each year, we invite interested partners to review the requirements below and submit a funding application.




FFY 2026 Grant Application Timeline

LHSC will be accepting applications for year-long sustained enforcement and non-enforcement projects to be implemented during the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY 2026) beginning on February 1, 2025. The grant application will remain open through the month of February only, closing at 11:59 p.m. on February 28, 2025. Late or incomplete proposals will not be considered.  FFY 2026 Grant Application period is now closed.  Thank you for your interest.

LHSC will employ a different online e-grant application portal than previous years. To orient applicants to the new system, LHSC will be hosting a virtual training. Refer to the next section for more information. Applications will be accepted through the new portal only.


New! Introducing LHSC’s E-Grant Management System

For the first time, LHSC will be utilizing a comprehensive e-grant management system to accept funding applications and facilitate the contracting process for FFY 2026 sustained enforcement and all non-enforcement grants.

Training: Former and current subgrantees as well as potential new applicants are invited to attend a virtual training on how to submit grant applications through the new system scheduled for January 15 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. CT. Pre-registration is required. The training will be recorded and posted to this page for those who cannot attend the live session. Viewing the virtual training either live or as a recording is not mandatory, but is highly encouraged to learn about the new system.


FFY 2026 E-Grant Application Training; January 15, 10 a.m.

Recording of the virtual training NOW Available below.

Subrecipient Training Video


Application Portal: The e-grant application period is open until February 28. Click the link below to be redirected to the application portal. Upon accessing the portal, please read all instructions before determining if you are the most appropriate person to complete an application on behalf of your organization. Once that person has been identified, he/she should click “New User? Register Here!” to obtain a username and password. The new user will receive an email confirmation once his/her account has been activated.


Go to the LHSC Subrecipient Management System now!

LHSC Non Enforcement Application Print Version

LHSC Enforcement Application Print Version


Problem Identification

An analysis of traffic crashes in Louisiana has identified the high-risk areas of the State. These high-risk areas are divided into Tier 1, representing the highest 25% and Tier II, representing the next highest 25%. Projects impacting these high-risk areas will be given priority for funding. However, applicants can utilize other relevant traffic safety-related data to justify funding in addition or instead of the high-risk area ranking.

A detailed analysis of the State’s problem identification, including the five-year averages of crash data, is linked below.




Call for Grant Applications

LHSC seeks evidence-based and data-driven projects addressing the traffic safety priority areas of impaired driving, occupant protection, child passenger safety, police traffic services, pedestrian and bicycle safety, motorcycle safety, young drivers, railroad safety, and traffic records. Possible project proposals can include strategies that provide public information, build skills and educate, engage target populations that are over-represented in crash data, prevent risky driving and related behaviors, and/or  enforce local and state traffic safety laws.

To review the FFY 2026 Call for Grant Applications, click the following link: FY 2026 Call for Grant Applications




Application Process and Timeline

Applicants for FFY 2025 special wave enforcement grants will NOT utilize LHSC’s new e-grant application portal. Applications will be submitted online as in previous years, but will use the old system.

Go to FFY 2025 Special Wave Enforcement Application now!

Timeline: The application is expected to open on March 10, 2025 and remain open until 11:59 a.m. on March 21, 2025. 

FFY 2025 Special Wave application period is now closed.  Thank you for your interest.



The planning process for the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission is a cyclical process that is in constant review, assessment, and modification and due to a variety of intervening and often unpredictable factors at both the federal and state level; the planning process may be interrupted by unforeseen events and mandates. 

A multitude of Stakeholder meetings, data analysis workshops, and processes for partner feedback occur throughout the year. In preparation for each fiscal year, the LHSC facilitates a series of Community Briefings designed to provide current information on traffic safety issues in Louisiana and solicit local leaders, citizens, law enforcement, and other traffic safety partners input on future needs and potential programs. Additional meetings are held to assess data improvements and reassess areas of need. The LHSC staff provides guidance and recommendations about ongoing programming while also estimating grant carry forward, potential grant awards, and existing contractual agreements. Projects are identified and awarded to local agencies, law enforcement, non-profits, governmental agencies, and other entities with the consideration of all discussions listed above.


Need More Information?

Questions concerning the application process may be directed to the LHSC by email at: or by telephone at (225) 925-6991.